Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. My name is Brad Milne, and I am proud to be the new Principal of Glencoe District High School. Beyond teaching in both the elementary and secondary panels, I have most recently been a vice-principal at three other Thames Valley District School Board schools: Banting S.S., West Elgin S.S., and Strathroy District Collegiate Institute. I have heard so many wonderful things about GDHS and the greater Glencoe community, and I am truly looking forward to my first year at the school and being part of the community.
I strongly encourage students to get involved in the school. Following elementary school, the high school experience moves along quickly. I hope students put forth their best in their daily courses while taking time to engage in extra-curriculars at GDHS. If students are experiencing any challenges, please encourage them to connect with a teacher, Guidance, or with me. I hope the summer has been a positive for everyone and we look forward to getting things going in September.
As I look forward to a positive year, I know I will put forth my best each day to positively work with all members of the GDHS and Glencoe community. I hope and expect all students to put forth their best to be excellent representatives of the school and the greater Glencoe community.
A new school year means different things to students at different levels of learning during one’s educational journey. Glencoe is a place that appreciates the grade 9 students who are starting a new experience in high school. I met with all those who attended High School Here I Come last week, and certainly look forward to meeting all grade nines when school starts up. We have students taking grade 10 courses, who now understand what life in high school is like and know that this is the year when they have the first opportunity to find success in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), which is a graduation expectation. Then, there are students taking grade 11 courses who are making course choices to prepare for life after high school. Finally, we have students taking grade 12 courses, who are in their final year of high school and cannot believe how quickly the high school experience has gone. To all families, please encourage your student to put forth one’s best effort on a daily basis, so everything is being done to achieve one’s goals.
I look forward to a great year!
Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions.
Mr. Brad Milne (he/him)
Principal of GDHS
519-287-3310 ext 67694 or
Phone: 519-287-3310
Principal - Mr. Brad Milne ext. 67694 –
Admin Secretary - Mrs. Shona Sanders ext. 67692 –
Guidance Counsellor - Mr. Chris Taylor ext. 67695 -
Guidance/Attendance Secretary - Mrs. Tracy Harvie ext. 67696 -
Teachers, our social worker, our public health nurse, and other staff may be reached by email (through the Contact Us page on our website) or by calling the school and leaving a message.
Are you looking for a SAFE AND FUN Secondary School to attend with GREAT academics, sports teams and clubs?
THEN JOIN US! Glencoe District High School is an INNOVATIVE school with fantastic students, teachers, and community support!
Do you know about our academics?
- GDHS has the highest credit attainment and five-year graduation rates within Thames Valley District School Board! And, despite being one of the smallest schools in the Board, we also have the highest percentage of students graduating from our Specialist High Skills Major Tech Programs (Construction and Transportation).
- For several years GDHS has had a 100% acceptance rate at Canadian Universities, and Canadian Colleges. We offer Academic, Locally Developed, College, University, Apprenticeship and Workplace pathways.
- Historically, 96% of all courses taken at GDHS were passed, including 96% of all grade 9 courses.
- Grade 9 and Grade 10 compulsory courses at GDHS are the same as all other Ontario Secondary Schools.
- Our smaller class sizes means more one-on-one attention from your teacher and more collaboration between grades and department projects are possible.
- With donations from our community and local businesses, approximately $46,000 in scholarships, awards, and bursaries are awarded every year to GDHS students at our Commencement Ceremony.
- We offer a wide variety of Physical Education credits which involve personal fitness, large group activities, and an Introduction to Kinesiology.
- We offer Food & Nutrition and Personal Life Management courses which teach students how to prepare food safely and how to live independently. They will learn about meal preparation and will become certified in Safe Food Handling. Students will also learn how to create a budget and manage a mortgage, insurance, groceries, clothing, and investments.
- In Exploring Technologies students will rotate through construction, metal shop, plumbing, electrical, communications technology and transportation technologies.
- We offer Specialist High Skills Major Tech Programs in Construction and Transportation where students graduate with Sector Certifications and a Red Seal Diploma.
- GDHS is currently in the application process to offer a third SHSM program in Health & Wellness starting September 2024!
- Our Dual Credit Program is a collaborative program in conjunction with TVDSB, Lambton College and Fanshawe College. Students have the opportunity to earn two college and two equivalent high school credits.
- Several of our students have placed in the top 25% in North America for math awards.
- We make local connections for Co-operative Education and Apprenticeships.
You will also be interested to learn…
- We have a daily Breakfast Club program run by our staff and student volunteers.
- In the past eight years, students and staff have donated over 3800 toys and too many canned goods to count to help the community at Christmas.
- Our extremely talented teaching faculty includes a 20+ year volunteer fire-fighter, a semi-pro hockey player, a certified open water scuba diver, an amateur fisherman, an experienced hunter, a highly skilled paddleboarder, a Festivus Bronze Medalist, Glencoe Fair Ambassador and Homemaking Queen, a world class swim coach, an avid cyclist, a trained boxer, and two Red Seal Chefs! We also have teachers who have taught in Australia, Brazil, England, Qatar, Seoul, South Korea, and Thailand.
- Many students are given leadership opportunities who would often be overlooked in a big school simply due to numbers.
- GDHS is undergoing major renovations over the next year which include a new Library/Learning Commons, new gymnasium floor, new interior doors, new exterior windows and doors and exterior refresh, and newly paved driveway, staff and student parking lots.
- Once a month we host FUN Friday’s at GDHS for an end of week prize draw, emceed by Mr. Maloney and Mr. Taylor. We blast music and give away prizes like donuts and Smile Cookies!
Do you know about our extra-curriculars?
- GAELS Get Involved! GDHS has many extra-curricular opportunities! Archery, Badminton, Band, Baseball, Basketball, Best Buddies, Chess Club, Cross Country, Curling, Environmental Club, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Fishing, GAEL Force, Golf, GSA, Hockey, Mathletes, Photography/Yearbook Club, Robotics, Soccer, Students’ Council, Student Athletic Association, Tennis, Track & Field, Video Game Club. New and old clubs/teams will run based on student interest.
- GDHS Colour Houses! All students and staff are assigned to a Colour House team and compete in different activities throughout the year for points and prizes!
- Our smaller numbers mean you have more opportunity to make our sports teams and join more clubs.
- When you join a team or club you’ll spend less time travelling to and from school for meetings, practices and games because you chose to attend your community school.
- Many GDHS athletes/teams have qualified, competed and been successful at WOSSAA and OFSSAA.
- Members of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee lead, collaboratively, by example to influence and inspire others and bring a sense of belonging, respect, encouragement and support to the school community.
- G.A.E.L. F.O.R.C.E. [Gaels Acquiring Excellent Leadership (through) Friendship, Opportunity, Responsibility, Communication and Experience] is developed and run entirely by senior GDHS students for Grade 9 and 10 students every year.
- Our “High School Here I Come” program runs in August and will assist your son or daughter in his/her transition from elementary school to high school. Details will be released as they become available.
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