Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We are very excited to have the students back in school on Wednesday, September 6th. Glencoe DHS will have a lot of new faces this year, please welcome Mrs. Sanders our new Admin Secretary, Ms. Allen is back from maternity leave, Ms. Lyon and Ms. McNeil are returning this year, Ms. Bensette, Ms. Ramsdale, Mr. Sousa, Mr. Sert, and Ms. Dutka are all new to GDHS this year! We are in the process of planning fun and engaging student activities and community events at school this year! Please read our weekly Friday broadcasts to stay informed! Throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Mr. Tom Maloney
Principal of GDHS
519-287-3310 ext 67694 or
Phone: 519-287-3310
Principal - Mr. Tom Maloney ext. 67694 -
Admin Secretary - Mrs. Shona Sanders ext. 67692 –
Guidance Counsellor - Mr. Chris Taylor ext. 67695 -
Guidance Secretary - Mrs. Tracy Harvie ext. 67696 -
Teachers, our social worker, our public health nurse, and other staff may be reached by email or by calling the school and leaving a message. Click here for our staff website directory.
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